In the event that you would like to return to us, we have prepared an opportunity for you to purchase a specific number of tests at a special price.
What will purchasing a voucher offer you?
- You will save your money
- You will have the assurance that every two weeks, you will be able to visit us for a test, even if appointment slots are fully booked
If you are interested, please get in touch with Andrea Furmanova, who will go over all the details with you and address any questions you may have.
Andrea Furmanová
+420 602 282 677
VOUCHER - 10 tests (You will save 123 EUR)
€ 1 090
VOUCHER - 20 tests (You will save 278 EUR)
€ 2 150
Frequently Asked Questions
Dům světla (Check point Dům světla Praha) Malého 283/3, Praha 8 - Karlín
By the subway or city tram (Florenc stop) and then it`s approximately a 5 minute long walk directly to the sample clinic, or by the tram to Karlínské náměstí, where the trams number 3, 8, 24 and 92 go, and then it`s a 3 minute walk. By bus to the Pernerova stop and from there it is approximately 1 minute walk.
Mon 7:15 – 16:00
Tue 7:15 – 16:00
Wed 7:15 – 16:00
Thu 7:15 – 16:00
Fri 7:15 - 16:00
Tue 7:15 – 16:00
Wed 7:15 – 16:00
Thu 7:15 – 16:00
Fri 7:15 - 16:00
We guarantee you will have your results withing 24 hours of the samples being taken.
And information call centre will be available for you, its operating hours will be Mon-Fri from 8:00 to 17:00 on this line: +420 739 500 500 which you can contact and the test results will be sent to you again.
Yes, there is a possibility to choose either one of these kinds of payments but if you choose to use a foreign currency, the payment is not available in cash.
No, the cost of this test is the same of everybody.
No, at this moment you can only request this one test.
In case of sickness, that requires us to report to the Hygienic institute of Prague, the treatment will be followed by specialised practitioners in the AIDS centre located in the same spot as the sample clinic.
Yes, the results will again be obtained withing the guaranteed time frame (24 hours).
No, in the app, while filling up the request you will see a calendar with free slots to book into where you can reserve a specific time, which is convenient for you and at the same time you eliminate waiting in a queue in the actual sampling clinic.